Trump Administration’s Proposal to Change the H-1B Requirements
Trump Administration’s Proposal to Change the H1B Requirements On October 8, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published an interim final rule (IFR), which proposes significant changes to the longstanding regulations governing the H-1B visa program. The proposed rule is slated to go into effect on December 7, 2020 and it includes the following […]
Federal Judge Strikes Down the H-1B Rule Increasing H-1B Wages
Federal Judge Strikes Down the H-1B Rule Increasing H-1B Wages On December 1, 2020, U.S. Federal Court for the Northern District of California in Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America V. U.S. Department of Homeland Security struck down the Department of Labor (DOL) rule that profoundly changed how it calculated H-1B and […]